Thursday, May 6, 2010

First Milestones

A few days ago I put Makenna on her rain forest playmat for the first time. The 2nd time I put her on it (May 2), she started batting at the mirror. I'm trying to remember to let her play on her mat at least once or twice a day. She seems to like looking in the mirror and listening the music. She bats away at the bird rattle. Some other things she has started doing is rolling to her side, smiling, and cooing. She makes lots of squeaks and has started cooing a few sounds (mostly 'ah' and 'hu'), which is absolutely adorable!
Makenna makes quite a few faces. She has the cutest little 'thinking face'. She also has a pretty adorable wrinkled brow face and one that looks like she's say "O".


batting at the mirror

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