Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sweet Sweet Sound

Makenna has the cutest, sweetest little voice! She loves to be talked to and responds with lots of adorable gurgles and coos. As of May 28, she also giggles! She hasn't let me get any good video yet, but here's a short teaser of her precious smile and vocalizations.

1st Day at the Park

Last week we went to the park with friends. Makenna seemed to enjoy the fresh air and was content laying on a blanket in the sun. Hannah-Jane and Katie joined her.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Time Flies

Makenna is 5 weeks old today. I know it sounds cliche, but I can not believe how fast time has gone by. It really does not seem possible. I feel a little sad that time is going by so quickly and very guilty that I haven't done as much with her as I did with Kylee. I feel like I don't sing, read, or talk to her nearly as much as I should.

I am already behind on baby book updates. The umbilical cord stump fell off a couple weeks ago. So, Makenna can now take baths and do tummy time. She really didn't know what to think of her first bath. She didn't fuss at all, but she had a very confused look through most of it. She didn't quite know what to think of all the water, but she looked like she was sure thinking hard about it. She's had several baths now, and every time she has been really calm and quiet. She doesn't fuss or smile. She just sits back and goes with the flow.

She has a similar attitude toward tummy time. She doesn't look like she particularly enjoys it, but she usually doesn't fuss right away either. She does like to have back time and stretch her legs out on the floor. She loves her rainforest play mat. She smiles at the lights and butterflies, talks to the animals, and bats at the toys. She will stay in there for about 15 minutes at a time .

Friday we went on our first public outing. We went to Nations of Fun with Elena and Gracie. Makenna did great and slept the majority of the time. When she did wake up, she was swarmed by a crowd of people talking about how pretty she is! it was more like 3 or 4, but it seemed like a crowd. :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

First Outings

Last week (Makenna's 2 week) we went to dinner at grandma's house twice. Both times Makenna did great in the car on the way there, slept the whole time we were at grandmas, and cried on the way home. It was the first time I've seen her have tears in her eyes. :(
This Tuesday we went to dinner at Rikki's house. Makenna slept the entire trip.

First Milestones

A few days ago I put Makenna on her rain forest playmat for the first time. The 2nd time I put her on it (May 2), she started batting at the mirror. I'm trying to remember to let her play on her mat at least once or twice a day. She seems to like looking in the mirror and listening the music. She bats away at the bird rattle. Some other things she has started doing is rolling to her side, smiling, and cooing. She makes lots of squeaks and has started cooing a few sounds (mostly 'ah' and 'hu'), which is absolutely adorable!
Makenna makes quite a few faces. She has the cutest little 'thinking face'. She also has a pretty adorable wrinkled brow face and one that looks like she's say "O".


batting at the mirror