Monday, March 8, 2010

Making Room for Baby

Thanks to the help of family and friends, the nursery is finally underway. Last Saturday Robert, Shad (Ethan's daddy), and Jerry (Robert's army buddy) cleared all of the old furniture and junk out of the room, got the baby stuff out of the attic, and put together the crib. This past Saturday my mom and Aunt Patty painted the room lilac and the baseboards white. Luckily Kylee took a nap Sunday. So, I was able to order the rocker and a few other nursery items and rearrange my bedroom to make room for the bassinet. I'm very excited about the progress we've made but am getting increasingly overwhelmed by everything there is still to do (buy and hang the curtains, clean the carpets, wash the bedding, put together the mobile, bookcase, and rocker, buy and install the shelves, etc, etc.....) I also still need to clean out the car, install the carseat, pack our bags, and buy the newborn essentials (diapers, butt paste, socks, etc). I only have about 4 1/2 weeks left until my due date. Hopefully I will get everything done before she arrives.

***UPDATE*** Last Friday we got a surprise visit from Uncle Mike and his power tools. He came over and put together the glider and bookcase for me! Sunday my mom came back over and touched up the paint. Yesterday Vickie and Robert put up the mural Vickie had made. Vickie also put up the flower decal for me. Today my mom hung the butterfly ceiling mobile. I still need to hang the valances and shades (hopefully those will come in soon), find and hang a shelf, put up the name decal, and clean carpets.

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