Friday, July 16, 2010

3 Months!!

Makenna is 3 months old and is getting more loveable every day. She is such a happy, smiley baby! She wakes every morning with the biggest smile on her face, as if she is super stoked just to be alive. I love it!
She is tolerating tummy time (which we still don't do nearly enough) a lot better now that she can lift her head. She can also roll from tummy to back. One thing she isn't tolerating better is the car. Some days she does just fine, but most days she screams. :(
Makenna loves to smile at herself in the mirror. She also loves for me to take her hands and sing Itsy Bitsy Spider and Pat-a-Cake. To The Market is another favorite rhyme. She still loves her zebra and also seems to enjoy looking at her black and white books.
She doesn't nap much during the day, but at night she's a champion sleeper. She usually sleeps over 7 hours (sometimes up to 9!) at a time in her crib. Thank God (and grandma) for the video monitor! I clip in on the basinet so that I can still look over and peek in on her during the night.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

1st Fourth of July

Makenna's first Independence Day was pretty laid back. She spent most of the morning staring at the new flag Daddy put up in the backyard. She loves to watch it blow in the wind.

We went to Aunt Patty's house for lunch and stayed there most of the afternoon. Makenna enjoyed hanging out on the front porch and watching the rain.