Friday, April 30, 2010

2 Week Check Up

Tuesday we took Makenna to her 2 week old check up. She did great in the car and at the doctor's office. She weighed in at 6 lbs, 11 oz (9 oz above birth weight). She looks healthy so far. The doctor had no concerns.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Photo Fun

Makenna is so cute and content; I just can't stop taking her picture! Here are some of my favorite pictures from the past week. I posted tons more of both Makenna and Kylee in our April 2010 online album:

Saturday, April 24, 2010

1st Sponge Bath

Last week we gave Makenna her first sponge bath. She wasn't a big fan of having her hair or hands washed. Other than that, she tolerated it pretty well.


We brought Makenna home from the hospital on Wednesday, April 14, 2010. Kylee and grandma met us at home. They surprised us with cupcakes, and Kylee sung Happy Birthday to her baby sister.
Makenna seems to be settling in well at home. She is a very easy going, content baby. She takes lots of naps during the day but also already has a lot of awake/alert time. She spends her alert time quietly listening to everything around her. You can tell by her eyes that she's really trying to listen and localize sounds. Like most newborns, she goes crossed eyed trying to focus on your face when you talk to her, which is absolutely adorable. She sleeps for about 3 hours at a time a night before waking up to eat. There have been a few times that I've even had to wake her up to feed her.
Makenna seems to really like being held close and walked around where she can see whats going on. So, I think I'm going to try out the Hostling sling this week.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Continued Blessings

We are so blessed with amazing friends and family! I am so thankful for everything everyone has done for us since Makenna's birth. The day Makenna was born my sister ran a ton of errands for me including picking up and taking care of Kylee. She picked up Kylee as soon as she got off work at 4pm and didn't get home that night until after 11pm. She brought Kylee to the hospital to meet her baby sister and also brought tulips for me and a musical, glowing seahorse for Makenna. My mom was there for me during labor. She stayed at my house and took care of Kylee and the dogs while I was in the hospital. She also ran tons of errands for me, stayed with me our first weekend home from the hospital (Robert went out of town for army stuff), and has been amazing with helping occupy Kylee and easing her through some of her meltdowns. Vickie was also very helpful in the hospital. She came and checked on me each day and brought me daisys in a gorgeous vase. She came and stayed all day with me our 2nd day home from the hospital. She brought us breakfast and then entertained and took care of Kylee while I tending to Makenna. Our awesome playgroup friends (Rikki, Alycia, Christina, Traci, Joanne, Lara, & Tara) have been providing us with meals so that I don't have to cook. Christina watched Kylee while I was in labor. Rikki took her to a birthday party a few days later, and several other friends have offered to watch Kylee and/or take her places if I ever need them to.

We've also received some more baby gifts including: hand-me-downs from Rikki, stuffed animals from Charli (her very own!); socks, swaddle blanket, grooming kit, and 2 sets of matching dresses for the girls from my Aunt Debbie; 3 outfits from Lt. Ayala; 3 outfits from Michael & Donna Wright; 168 diapers and a case of wipes from one of Robert's co-workers; and a dress and teething toy from Joanne and Gavin.

Birth Story

Monday, April 12, 2010 I took Kylee to a Connect The Tots playdate at Christina's house. I started having contractions just before we headed to playdate. Although they were painful, they weren't very long and had come on pretty suddenly. So, I didn't think they were "the real thing". Luckily, the other ladies at the playdate and my mom (via texts) talked me into going to the hospital to at least get my fluid checked (it was borderline low the Friday before). I got to the hospital just before 2pm. By the time they checked me, I was 4cm dilated. By the time the doctor got there to break my water, I was completely thinned out and dilated to a 8, and by the time she was done I was completely dilated and ready to go. She didn't think I had time for an epidural, but thankfully she rushed the anesthesiologist in for me. He worked quickly and gave me an extra large, mixed dose of the epidural meds, which worked like a charm. Four pushes later at 5:58pm (about 12 hours before I was scheduled to be induced), Makenna Noelani Puccino was born. She weighed only 6 lbs 2 oz (over a pound smaller than predicted). Her daddy, grandma, and Auntie Vickie were there for the birth.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Introducing Makenna Noelani Puccino

6 lbs, 2 oz 19 inches long; born April 12,2010 at 5:58pm